The Beaumont family have been farming the vineyards on the farm since 1974 and it is with this experience and understanding of our unique terroir that we decided to produce this special blend. Our philosophy with all our wines is to produce a pure expression of place. We prefer elegance over power and want this blend to be the sum of its component parts. 60% of the 2017 blend was co-fermented to allow the varietals to integrate from a very early stage. 40% Mourv dre 27% Syrah 19% Pinotage 7% Syrah 7% Tinta Barocca
Product Information
The key component of our 250 yr old water mill is known as a Vitruvian Mill. We wanted to connect this unique wine to the history of the farm. The Beaumont family have been farming the vineyards on the farm since 1974 and it is with this experience and understanding of our unique terroir that we decided to produce this special blend. Our philosophy with all our wines is to produce a pure expression of place. We prefer elegance over power and want this blend to be the sum of its component parts. 60% of the 2017 blend was co-fermented to allow the varietals to integrate from a very early stage.